Serving and inspiring leaders
The Christian Embassy wants to serve diplomats in Paris and from around the world. Special initiatives such as luncheons, roundtables, individual meetings give leaders the opportunity to see how the values of Jesus bring light to professional, personal and spiritual facets of life.
The needs of the world are much deeper than political freedom and security, much deeper than social injustice and economic development, much deeper than democracy and progress. The deeper needs of the world belong to the sphere of the mind, the heart, and the spirit, a sphere to be penetrated with the light and grace of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Charles Malik
President of the 13th session of the General Assembly and leading author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
We look forward to serving you. We invite you to participate in our initiatives and see the values that Jesus brings to the professional, personal and spiritual facets of life.

Francis Husson
Director, Paris Christian Embassy
An affiliate to Christian Embassy worldwide
Addis Abeba – Bern – Brussels – Dublin – Geneva – Kinshasa – London – Lusaka – Manila – New York – New Delhi – Ottawa – Paris – Pretoria – Washington DC – Yaoundé